For me the Oscar’s aren’t as exciting as the Emmy’s or the Grammy’s. I find the thespian community a bit insufferable come awards season. One need not look further than Anne Hathaway to prove that point. I'm sure we'll have to endure another of her over-emotional speeches tonight. But let’s just be thankful we don’t have to endure her as the host again this year. Remember her and Franco? Wow, was that as bad as it gets. Seth MacFarlane will be great. He did put out the best comedy of the year: TED.
As for the year in nominated movies and performances, I saw a lot of great ones over the last few months, in an effort to prepare for the Big Day, which I’ll only see an hour of because I go to bed at 9PM on Sundays. But anyway, if Daniel Day Lewis doesn’t win Best Actor for LINCOLN, I’m not sure the award will maintain any of its credibility. Spielberg will win for Best Director too. LINCOLN was a masterpiece. But it wasn’t the best movie I watched this year. That would be FLIGHT. I did not breathe during FLIGHT, it was a fantastic movie, and, in my opinion, a bit overlooked this year.
On the other hand, I think ARGO is a touch overrated. It was a great movie, and will likely win best movie of the year, but I didn’t see it as worthy of the top trophy. I think ARGO is a pretty forgettable flick, and, for me, evoked zero water-cooler talk the next day, the way LINCOLN and FLIGHT did. It just kind of went along, was filmed with a lot of suspense, and then ended.
All and all it was a great year in movies. I think the Academy got it mostly right this year. I still need to see SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK and DJANGO UNCHAINED. I read LIFE OF PI so I didn’t see that. That BEASTS movie looks awful, and I can’t stomach Anne Hathaway in any role, although many say she killed it in LES MISERABLES. I guess I’m only left with one real complaint against the Academy: After watching HERE COMES THE BOOM, I must ask what in God’s name does Kevin James have to do to for an Oscar nomination, people? Movies don’t get much better than THE BOOM, and James carries it!
Read More:http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/envelope/moviesnow/la-et-mn-oscars-2013-academy-awards-preview-20130223,0,4991131.story
Brian Huba
Hey Hubba! I really enjoy reading your blog....pretty much its something for me to read every week, but I'm only commenting because you nee to watch Beasts of the Southern Wild....then tell me what you think...its better than Argo