2011 is over, the year of Hurricane Irene, the death of Steve Jobs, the failed Occupy Wall Street movement, and the Vietnam-like ending of that “what are we doing here” War in Iraq. Don’t forget the disgrace at Penn State and Syracuse, and of course the oh-so tragic end of the pretend marriage between Kim K. and Kris Humphries, who, for some reason, gets booed in basketball arenas now. Anyway 2012 is about to begin. For the 2nd time I am going to make a list of things that were both “Good” and “Not So Good” about the year past. So here we go.
2011 “Good” of Pop Culture
Movie: Crazy, Stupid Love
TV Show: How I Met Your Mother
Reality Show Two-Way Tie: Operation Repo/Restaurant Impossible
Book: Chango’s Beads & the Two-Toned Shoes by William Kennedy
Album: 21 by Adele
Song: “Grenade” by Bruno Mars
Episode of SNL: Jimmy Fallon and Michael Buble (Dec 2011)
Sports Story: Mavericks rally to defeat LeBron and the Heat
News Interview: Piers Morgan and Christine O’Donnell
Late Night Talk Show: Jimmy Fallon
Favorite Celebrity: Howard Stern
Biggest Surprise: 2011 MTV Video Music Awards
Break Out Star: Adele
Best Thing of 2011: Duh, Winning
2011 “Not So Good” of Pop Culture
Movie: Larry Crowne
TV Show: Whitney
Reality Show Two-Way Tie: Kendra/Jersey Shore
Book: Life by Keith Richards
Album: 4 by Beyonce
Song: “T.H.E.” by Will I. Am feat. Mick Jagger and J Lo
SNL Episode: Melissa McCarthy and Lady Antebellum (Oct 2011)
Annoying Story: Occupy Wall Street
Horrible Story: Penn State Scandal
People Magazine Story: Kardashian Wedding
Late Night Talk Show: Leno
Most Overrated Star: Melissa McCarthy
Least Favorite Celebrity: J Lo
Biggest Disappointment: The X Factor
Worst Thing of 2011: Everything Kardashian
2012 Wish(es): A NY Giant Superbowl, and of course, Metta World Peace: http://deadspin.com/5868091/metta-world-peace-is-just-as-insane-as-ron-artest
There you have it. I hope you had a super 2011, and remember, “Boom, boom, boom, (you’re) even brighter than the moon! moon! moon!”
Brian Huba